
When you search by keyword, our site will remove the previously selected filters. Generally, this will improve your results. However, you can "lock in" your vehicle or engine by using "Search Within Results."

The "Search Within Results" feature allows you to search with a keyword AND keep the filters you already selected. Selecting the vehicle Year/Make/Model, then searching a keyword is a common use of this feature.

How do I use it?

If you're using our desktop site:

  1. Start your search. This could be done by selecting:
    1. Vehicle year/make/model,
    2. Engine type,
    3. Part type,
    4. Etc.
  2. Type what you're looking for in the "Search Within Results" box on the left side of the screen, NOT the search bar at the top of the screen.
  3. Hit enter or click the button to start the search.

If you're using our mobile site:

  1. Start your search. This could be done by selecting:
    1. Vehicle year/make/model,
    2. Engine type,
    3. Part type,
    4. Etc.
  2. Tap the search icon at the top of the screen. This will allow you to start typing AND open a drop down.
  3. Tap "Search Within Results" from the drop down under the search box.
  4. Type in the keywords you want to search for.
  5. Hit enter or click the button to start the search.

Your results will be filtered by both the keyword AND the previous filters you selected.

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